Often Mistaken as Grade 1 Pupil, This Impressive Young Man is Actually a Licensed Teacher

People often mistake him for a Kindergarten or Grade 1 pupil, but 23-year-old Ian Francis Manga does not mind because he knows exactly who he is and what he is capable of – and the truth is that he is actually a licensed professional teacher, having passed the March 2019 LET! Wow.

Akala ko sinama lang ng nanay niya,” recalls review center owner Dr. Carl Balita when he learned that the boy was interested in checking out Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET) review materials at the center.

Balita was surprised to learn that Manga was actually enrolled at the review center and had actually completed his degree in education when they first met.

Photo credit: Carl E. Balita / Facebook

Based on his account, Manga was a sickly child while growing up. He did not share what medical condition he might have been suffering from, but this stopped him from growing the same way as other kids his age.

But even though he was not able to grow in height, Manga’s brain developed normally; thus, he was still able to keep up with his lessons and eventually graduate from college.

Sadly, due to his small stature and the fact that he actually looks more like a preschool or Grade 1 pupil, many people don’t take him seriously. Not everyone believes when he tells them he is 23 years old. Others even belittle him for being so young and small; yet this inspiring teacher held his ground, ignoring these hurtful criticisms to rise up and overcome the challenges he met along the way.

Ignore them but patunayan mo rin na kaya mong wala sila, na mali sila,” he advised.

Photo credit: Carl Balita Review Center Bulacan / Facebook

He added that he became a teacher because he enjoys teaching and loves to follow in his mother’s footsteps.

Height doesn’t matter po sa pagtupad ng pangarap. Congrats Sir Ian!” a netizen declared.

Indeed, height doesn’t matter in reaching one’s dreams! Kudos, Sir Ian Francis Manga!

Watch his impressive story here:


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