Inspiring Kindergarten Teacher Cuts Hair to Match Bullied Student’s Haircut

Teachers play a huge role in the life of children, especially in young kids who are still trying to find their place in the world and could easily get swayed by other people’s opinion on their looks, their capabilities.

Sadly, bullying can occur even in kindergartens – and many teachers have to learn how to deal with the situation without breaking these children’s spirit.

Shannon Grimm, a kindergarten teacher in Willis, TX, was recently hailed a hero for what she did for a young student who was bullied by her classmates due to her short hair.

Photo credit: SunnySkyz

According to Teacher Shannon, Prisilla Perez had always been a cheerful, happy little girl since the start of the school year. She loves to mingle with her classmates and play with everyone.

Recently, however, the kid became quiet and refused to talk to or play with her classmates. Puzzled, Teacher Shannon talked to the child and discovered that Prisilla was being bullied for her haircut.

Indeed, kids are so innocent but they can also be cruel at times. While they thought that they were just having fun as they laughed at Prisilla, the young girl was greatly affected by the teasing and bullying.

Teaching her students that bullying is not good but also that being the receiving end of bullying is not the end of the world, Teacher Shannon cut her hair to match Prisilla’s haircut! She explained to the class that bullying is not good and that we should accept everyone, no matter their differences.

To reward the young girl for her courage, Teacher Shannon would give her hairbands and bows each day so that they can wear matching head pieces in school. Cute, right?

Photo credit: SunnySkyz

The teacher also nominated Priscilla as “District Student of the Month” for her ‘bravery during a difficult time’ – and she won! Priscilla received the award during the Willis Independent School District board meeting last February 11.

But Priscilla wasn’t the only one honored that day, because Teacher Shannon also received a medal for being a hero. Kudos to you both!

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