Gorgeous Teacher Goes Viral after Students Share Her Photo, Stories of Her Kindness

She’s not just gorgeous, she also has a heart of gold! Such are the reasons why a teacher recently went viral – and it is really easy to see why…

A teacher of Sociology and Political Science subjects at San Pedro College of Davao in Davao City, southern Philippines, the gorgeous Ms. Amalia Cabangbang is everyone’s favorite teacher. Not only does she look good, she also has a heart of gold and easily understands her students’ plight.

On Twitter, netizen Aze (Twitter account @artzelbrian) shared Ms. Amalia’s photo with heart emoticons, “Flex ko lang adviser namin.

A lot of netizens also fell in love with the teacher’s beauty, commenting that she looks a lot like a beauty queen and would surely win in a beauty pageant, if she hasn’t achieved that already.

Photo credit: Twitter / @artzelbrian

But Aze was not the only who was impressed by their teacher’s beauty. Twitter user @catheastrophe retweeted Aze’s post, adding some observations of how their teacher was also a kindhearted person, aside from being a gorgeous woman.

In her post, @catheastrophe listed out some of the many wonderful traits their adviser has, showing exactly why many love her and would love to be her student.

Ms. Amalia as a teacher:

  • gives out free handouts
  • is honest if she doesn’t know some things
  • is a happy pill; I swear maka-radiate ng happiness ang mood nya
  • is considerate (aware sya na di lang sya ang subject)
  • makes everything easier for her students

A lot of netizens commented that many students these days are lucky to have young and beautiful teachers because they only had ‘ancient’ ones back when they were in school. LOL. Others joked that it would be great if all teachers looked as good as Ms. Amalia – because no one would surely be absent!

Do you think students will only go to school willingly if the teachers look gorgeous? Ouch. But it would be great to have good-looking ones in school, right?

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