Shamcey Supsup Topped Board Exam, But Says ‘Grades are Not Everything’

Bb. Pilipinas-Universe 2011 Shamcey Supsup-Lee is more than just a pretty face!

Before finishing as the third runner-up in Miss Universe 2011, Shamcey already had excellent achievements in the academic field. She recently admitted to being ‘grade conscious’ for most of her student years, yet she now realizes that ‘grades are not everything’.

Shamcey graduated magna cum laude in BS Architecture from University of the Philippines (UP) – Diliman in 2010. Then, with a rating of 86.60%, she ranked as #1 in the Architecture Licensure Examination that same year.

Photo credit: Indian and World Pageant

It was the following year that she won as Bb. Pilipinas-Universe. Her achievements did not stop there. Shamcey is currently an entrepreneur and is the current national director of the Miss Universe Philippines organization.

Recently, however, she shared a photo of her college transcript, sharing a realization about how grades are not really everything.

I grew up to be really “grade conscious” or “GC” for short. It didn’t matter if I really learned anything as long as I get the grade, I was fine 😝,” Shamcey shared on her Instagram account.

But now, I am more than certain that grades are not everything. Grades should be a byproduct of learning. And what you do with that knowledge is MUCH more important than what is on your report card… On a serious note though: Sino ba tong Prof. ko sa History of Architecture? Panira ng transcript eh! 😂

Photo credit: Shamcey Supsup-Lee / Instagram

The last line is a joke, of course. But people still understood the point of her entire post. This became an inspiration to many who might be struggling with their grades in school. Of course, others pointed out that Shamcey’s high grades still worked for her as she topped the board exams.

The near-perfect marks showed the kind of student she was; though it is also great that she made the realization about grades not being everything so that other struggling students wouldn’t have to worry too much about their future.

But that’s not say that everyone should not work on getting good grades! Shamcey simply pointed out that what you do with the knowledge you learned from getting those grades is more important than the mark you get on your report card…

One comment

  1. Our grades really say about who we are: its a measure of our intelligence,an indicator of how well we will succeed,a test for whether or not we will be a good worker,and measure for whether or not our life is successful. And, finally,grades matter when applying to college/graduate school.

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