Photo of Boys Pinning Ribbon on Best Friend During Awards Ceremony Touches Hearts

In life, we meet people who make an impact in our lives through various reasons. Oftentimes, it is the friendship we build with others that help us go through the difficulties we experience.

Recently, two boys went viral for being there for their best friend whose parents could not attend the Awards Ceremony – and their kind deed touched a lot of hearts on the internet.

Photo credit: Albert Egot Jr. / Facebook

Proud of what his son had done, dad Albert Egot Jr. shared photos of the kids on his Facebook account.

According to Daddy Albert, he had tears in his eyes as he witnessed the touching moment with his son and his two best friends at Mintal Elementary School, Davao City.

During the Awards Ceremony held in the boys’ classroom, his son Lance Seigfred had already received his Merit Award for being Top 5 in class and also his Happy Helper Award. Lance’s friend Nicko had also received the Eager Beaver Award.

Photo credit: Albert Egot Jr. / Facebook

But the two were a bit sad that their third friend, Arce, was not called yet. According to Daddy Albert, he overheard his son encouraging his friends to pray that Arce would be called for an award – and when Arce was finally called for the Best in Attendance Award, Lance and Nicko cheered the loudest for their friend.

The teacher waited for Arce’s parents to come forward but because they were not around, Lance and Nicko hurried to the front without being called. They showed support to their friend and pinned his ribbon.

The teacher waited for his parent/guardian but no one appeared. So his bff Nico and Lance came to rescue their bestfriend and pinned the award with joy. Then, naluha ako. So inspiring. Hope they would see this post when they grow up 😍,” Daddy Albert shared.

My life lesson? We need to treasure people who will cheer us up. We need people who believe in us — like Nico and Lance. ❤️

Congratulations, kids!

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