Mom Shares Card of Son with Low Grades, But Expresses Pride in His Other Talents

A lot of parents want their children to excel in school, pushing them get high grades and be honor students. While do achieve that, there are also those who just can’t get their grades up no matter how hard they tried. This leads to frustration in the part of the student and anger from the parents.

Mom Jheezel Orbina Panga recently shared her experience with her Grade 1 son who got low grades in his first grading period report card. The kid got the highest grade of 80 in Mother Tongue; the rest of the subjects were 75 to 79.

Photo credit: Jheezel Orbina Panga / Facebook

The kid got an average of 79, angering this mom who had high hopes for her son. She got angry to the point that the kid was in tears after she scolded him for the low grades. Panga admitted that she felt bad about scolding him, yet she also wanted him to understand that developing good study habits is also important, even if he is still so young.

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But this mom would soon realize that her child might not excel in his academics, yet he is a compassionate child who is ‘intelligently different’. She cites several examples of how the kid showed a lot of empathy and compassion to others even at his age.

“Mama, birthday ng classmate ko bukas. Pabaunan mo ko kanin tapos dalawang itlog, bibigyan ko siya para surprise.”

“Mama, alam mo yung classmate ko kawawa kasi wala siyang baon. Eh diba may baon akong biscuit tapos may 20 pa ko. Binigyan ko siya 5 para makabili siya soup.”

“Mama, yung classmate ko laging masakit yung kamay kaya sinulat ko siya sa notebook niya.”

“Mama, paglaki ko bibilhan kita ng kotse para di ka na mahihirapan samin ni Aki pag aalis tayo na tatlo lang tayo. Kita ko kasi hirap na hirap ka pag tatawid tayo.”

“Mama, maglaba ka lang diyan. Ako na bahala kay Aki.”

“Mama, mag-aalkansya ako para may pang-kasal na kayo ni Papa.”

These situations made her realize that her son is still talented in other ways. But her son’s prayer made her cry.

“Mama, alam mo ba naiiyak ako habang nagdadasal ako sabi ko Papa Jesus wini-wish ko po sana tumalino na ko para hindi na nagagalit sakin si mama. Ang Bobo ko kasi e. Marunong naman na ko magbasa konti pero mababa pa rin grade ko.”

She apologized for getting angry and told that child that she’s alright with him not getting high grades as long as he remains a good kid.

Sa mga wisdom ng anak ko ngayon, masasabi ko siguro naman lalaki siyang mabuting tao. Proud ako kasi bata pa siya, malalim na ang level of understanding niya,” Panga wrote.

Netizens offered support, telling this mom that she’s doing the right thing. While it’s good to still encourage the child to study, it is also important for parents to accept their kids if they could only get low grades.


  1. my son’s grades are too high for comfort. he doesn’t even study and the grades are high which actually worries me. he is grade 11. Am afraid when he reaches college he will be in for a rude awakening. However he is a good violinist and English is our first language. That’s reassuring.

  2. Joy parents have a difficult task in child raising particularly when it comes to education. Grades are such an issue. Let me just share what I say to my kids…” getting an award(high grades) is just a plus, just learn as much as you can with no failing marks” so far we are able to motivate them and they are now working. Thanks for sharing your experience. Each child is different that is why we should not compare.

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