Leyte School Bans Gadgets, Introduces Kids to Traditional Games

These days, you can find many students engaged in gadgets during their free time – whether in private or public schools! Instead of talking or playing with each other, working on their homework, or studying their lessons, many of these students are engrossed on their mobile games or even on social media.

With these pupils spending more time on gadgets than their lessons, this has a detrimental effect on their studies and even on their social skills. Many are withdrawn and don’t know how to deal with other people, because their lives evolve around their virtual friends and make-believe, role-playing games.

Seeing the effect this was having on the children, a school in Leyte decided to ban the use of gadgets during class hours. The penalty disciplinary action would be 1 hour of school work for those caught playing or using gadgets at any time while the students are inside the campus.

Photo credit: Joshua Caleb Hocson / MBody

The said ban is implemented in both Doane Schools in Leyte: the Doane Baptist School in Isabel and Doane Christian Academy in Palompon.

Doane Schools’ Pastor Administrator Joshua Caleb Hocson shared that the ban was implemented after a consultation with teachers and parents.

I noticed that during school events, students play mobile games instead of participating in the activities,” Hocson told MBody.

With that in mind, he called a meeting with the PTA who expressed a similar sentiment, with parents saying their children are also spending a lot of time on their gadgets while they are at home.

With the parents’ approval, the principal implemented the ban beginning in February.

Instead of mobile gadgets, the kids were encouraged to play traditional games. Hocson clarified that while the students are not allowed to use gadgets in the school, the said items are not confiscated in case the students violate the rule.

Photo credit: Joshua Caleb Hocson / MBody

Out of their respect for authorities, we haven’t received any rebellious response so far. They’re disciplined enough to follow instructions. Some would also report to us if a classmate or a schoolmate plays mobile games in secret. Any violation comes with a counselling session,” Hocson shared.

So far, the response is positive. The students now spend more time at the library or engaging in sports like basketball, chess, and even Pinoy games such as langit-lupa, Chinese garter, piko, and taguan during their free time.

One comment

  1. Deped has issued an order on the ban on gadgets but only during class periods. It would be better ifvit be banned in the entire campus anytime.

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