LET Topnotcher Waited 1 Year Before Taking Exam, Says Life is Not a Race

An aspiring teacher went against the norm and waited a year before taking the Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET). But the wait proved to be a good idea because she was among the topnotchers when she finally took the board exams!

When Dheanalene Evangelista graduated Magna Cum Laude from her course of Bachelor in Elementary Education from West Visayas State University (WVSU) last March 2018, everyone expected her to take the LET in September that year. After all, that’s what everyone else was planning to do.

Photo credit: Dhea Evangelista / Facebook

But with everyone expecting her to excel, she felt unmotivated to take the LET. She also felt anxious and pressured as the date drew near, afraid that she might disappoint a lot of people who believed in her and were hoping she would excel.

When you graduate strong, with awards and all, people expect you to always be on your best, to always get it right. But in those moments, I simply couldn’t. I felt so lost and unsure, worried that I finished a degree I wasn’t made for. I didn’t want to disappoint the people who believed in me and saw something in me, but I just couldn’t find the will to do what I had to do! I remember feeling so pressured and anxious,” Evangelista shared in a post on her Facebook account.

But I kept reminding myself that life is not a race and that I don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations but my own. Close to the examination date, I informed my family that I would not be taking the dreaded exam. And I am still grateful to be blessed with parents who allow me to take things at my own pace. So, I focused on fixing myself. I spent some time on my hobbies and with the people who helped me grow and get out of those weird times. Honestly, I did a lot of reflecting. Until one surprising day, I woke up brimming with excitement and enthusiasm to go back to learning!

Photo credit: Dhea Evangelista / Facebook

Whether it made a difference that she waited a year to take the test or not in the ranking she got for the LET, what was important is that she was prepared to take the licensure exam this time.

Evangelista was not feeling pressured at this time. It was a good thing that she was not just ready to take the test, she was also excited to actually do it!

In retrospect, Evangelista felt happy that she had the chance to reflect on her life.

Photo credit: Dhea Evangelista / Facebook

I guess this whole process taught me to be more optimistic and to trust God’s process more. I replaced the word “pressured” into “inspired”, put in hard work, and combined it with prayer. I started to look at people’s high expectations of me as a sign that I am capable of doing good things, instead of seeing them as absolute checklists to be completed. I began respecting my own pace and allowed myself to commit mistakes. Now, I’m finally at a point in my life where I actually am proud and sure of my decisions. And for that, I am thankful to the Lord,” the topnotcher shared.

Maybe God makes us wait a little longer before He grants our wishes to teach us the virtue of patience and perseverance. But when the time is right, in the least expected moment, He will make things happen in the best possible way.



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