She was on her way to the oathtaking ceremony of new licensed professional teachers, but Novie Joy Balete Venteroso accidentally ripped her pants. The rip was so big that it would certainly be obvious at the ceremony! But a hero taxi driver saved the day for this neophyte teacher.

Novie narrated that it was 7:30AM when she rode the taxi on the way to the Iloilo Convention Center (ICC) in Iloilo, central Philippines, for the oathtaking ceremony when she noticed the huge rip on her pants. It’s so big that it would certainly be noticeable if the pants don’t get sewn back.

Photo credit: Novie Joy Balete Venteroso / Facebook

She hurriedly asked the driver whether he knows a tailoring or dressmaking shop in the area, but he told her that would be impossible to find that early in the morning, on a Sunday. He suggested that they pass by the market so he could buy a needle and thread.

He did that but only found lavender thread; Novie didn’t mind as long as the pants get fixed. However, she was so nervous that she was unable to sew the pants. She asked the driver if he could buy superglue – and he went off again to find one. But the superglue didn’t work.

The young teacher told the driver that she doesn’t know how to sew, but she was lying as she actually knew how to do it but was too nervous to even insert the thread in the hole! Thankfully, the driver remained calm and offered to do it for her. He even let her use his extra t-shirt to cover herself while he fixed her pants.

Thanks to this hero taxi driver, she managed to arrive at the venue at the expected call time of 8AM. He wouldn’t tell her his real name, saying that his code name is “Magic”; though her let her take his picture, side view, as he was a bit shy.

After her post went viral, this kind taxi driver was identified as Remy Surita Jr. of Light of Glory Taxi Services. Kudos, Manong Remy!