Girl from Poor Family Fulfills Dream of Becoming a Teacher, Thanks 4Ps for Help

A girl from a poor family shares how she fulfilled her dream of becoming a teacher. She gives thanks to the government’s 4Ps which enabled her to achieve her dream.

It is a sad reality in the Philippines that there are so many poor families who have difficulty sending their children to school, despite the ready availability of public schools in their locality. After all, going to school still means needing uniforms, school supplies, and baon (allowance) so they can have something to eat for snacks and lunch.

Photo credit: Mariemel Pamittan Domingo / Facebook

This is one of the primary reasons why many poor students don’t make it past a few levels in elementary. Moreover, a number of these children are asked by their parents to find a job to help the family with their financial needs, even at a young age! That’s why the 4Ps was launched so that the children can remain in school.

On Facebook page Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program-Cagayan Valley, young teacher Mariemel Pamittan Domingo shares her story to inspire others to work hard to reach for their dreams. In the post, she introduced herself as the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Domingo, beneficiary of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).

Photo credit: Mariemel Pamittan Domingo / Facebook

My parents didn’t finish their studies. They always told me that if I finish my studies, it will make them feel that they finished also their studies. This is one of the reasons why I am eager to graduate with the degree,” Teacher Mariemel shared.

My father is a tricycle driver and my mother is a housewife. Yes, our life is not that easy. Even poverty hit us, doesn’t mean that it will be a barrier for my studies. Instead, I used our life’s situation for me to pursue my studies and climb up the ladder of success.

She was already in high school when the family qualified for the 4Ps. This helped a lot in her education – and let her continue with her studies as she qualified for the Expanded Students’ Grants-In-Aid Program For Poverty Alleviation (ESGP-PA), a scholarship program designed for the children-beneficiaries of 4Ps.

Thanks to the scholarship program, Teacher Mariemel was able to complete her course in Bachelor of Elementary Education at Isabela State University – Cabagan Campus in 2018. The scholarship also paid for her review for the board exams, enabling her to pass the test and become a licensed professional teacher, also in 2018.

Photo credit: Mariemel Pamittan Domingo / Facebook

As member or beneficiary of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4ps), I can say that it is really a big help for the in need families especially for the children in their studies. I am thankful to be part of the program. I am proud to be 4ps beneficiary. Hoping that this program of the government will continue to help many, like what our family received,” Teacher Mariemel shared.

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