Filipina Graduates Summa Cum Laude from University in the US

A Filipina graduates summa cum laude from a university in the United States (US), making a lot of fellow Filipinos proud of her achievements.

Danielle Tadeo, 24, completed her degree in Bachelors in International Relations minor in Communications from the Fairleigh Dickenson University in New Jersey, USA, as summa cum laude.

Considering that this Latin honor is the highest that any academic institution can grant its graduating senior, it comes as no surprise that Tadeo would go viral and earn praise across social media. It’s an amazing feat for the young Pinay who hails from Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental.

Tadeo shares that her course in International Relations was not actually her first choice. She wanted to take up Architecture but later changed her mind after showing interest in politics and global affairs. She’s now thankful that she stuck with her second choice, saying that she loves the course now. Her favorite subjects are human rights law and the global environment.

In line with her course, Tadeo volunteered for the Commission On The Status Of Women, a non-government organizations based in New York that is dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. This was before the Covid-19 health crisis greatly affected the world.

After the experience, Tadeo said that she wants to pursue humanitarian work after graduation.

Photo credit: Sun Star Cagayan de Oro

Speaking of graduations, Tadeo and her batchmates were not able to attend a face-to-face graduation ceremony due to COVID-19 restrictions. In fact, they did not go back to school after the spring break in March and had to complete their education via online lessons.

While she feels a bit sad that they can’t march on a real stage, she still feels thankful that she’s graduating with flying colors. As such, she thanks her parents and other people who supported her journey.

I’ve always been used to a lot of people stand by me. When it comes to studies, my family can be there to encourage me and they can be there to take my mind off of things when I’m stressed. Their support has been very helpful. Having a family is very important,” Tadeo explained.

And for the students who are struggling right now, I really wish that there is more help coming in. And like in all things, believe that this will come to pass as well. Kapit lang!

She has definitely put in a lot of hard work in her 4 years in the university – and is able to reap the fruits of her labor. Congratulations!

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