Distracted Mom on Her Way to School, Finds Out She Left the Kids at Home

A lot of parents all over the world have busy mornings as they rush to make sure the kids finish bathing, changing into school uniforms, eating, and preparing their things before heading off to school. While there are many who need to catch the bus, most kids simply get dropped by their parents or commute/walk on their own.

Photo credit: Twitter user PrriissssAvocado (@torrespriss) 

One busy mom got so distracted with the chores she has to complete and in making sure she gets her kids to school on time that she drove to school by herself! She was already many miles away when she realized that she was rushing to school but had forgotten her kids back home! Oooooops.

Twitter user PrriissssAvocado (@torrespriss) had a good laugh as she shared the video which already has millions of views.

She [really] drove her kids to school but her kids weren’t in the car 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂 I can’t stop laughing 😂😭😭😂😭😭😂😂,” @torrespriss wrote as she shared the funny video.

Photo credit: Twitter user PrriissssAvocado (@torrespriss) 

The still unnamed mom was having such a good laugh in the video, admitting that she was too sleepy when she drove off; thus, she didn’t realize that the kids have not gotten into the vehicle yet.

The kids are not in the car. I’m driving to school without my kids! I am taking the kids to school and I don’t even have them in the car. I have to go back and pick them up,” the distracted mom said in between fits of laughter.

We’d be laughing, too, if we found ourselves rushing to school to bring the kids, only to realize the kids aren’t actually there! LOL.

Photo credit: Twitter user PrriissssAvocado (@torrespriss) 

But this mom had a good sense of humor and was able to laugh off this major blooper.

Here’s the funny video:


And in case you’re wondering what her kids thought, well, they’re also laughing hard when she finally made it back home. Watch the equally funny clip here:


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