School Impresses Netizens after Offering Classes for Boys to Learn Household Chores

In most households, the women and girls are the ones doing the household chores while the men are busy with their jobs or something else. It does not matter whether the mom of the household actually has a job or holds a career and might even be earning more than her husband; she still is the one in charge of the chores.

But a school in Spain wants to change this thinking as it offers classes for boys to learn household chores.

Photo credit: Colegio Montecastelo / Facebook

Colegio Montecastelo went viral for its special home economics classes for boys, aiming to equip boys with basic knowledge and skills on how to wash clothes, iron different kinds of clothes, cook various food items, keep the house clean, and other stuff that many see as chores for girls. They are also taught ‘boy stuff’ like carpentry, plumbing, masonry, and electrician skills.

Photo credit: Colegio Montecastelo / Facebook

Quite understandably, the boys were resistant to the idea. Many were afraid that the girls will laugh at them for learning ‘girl chores’ and stuff; however, with the encouragement of their teachers and their parents, the boys eventually enjoyed their new lessons.

Photo credit: Colegio Montecastelo / Facebook

For some, it was the first time they had held an iron, it was fun and instructive at the same time, we are quite surprised, and the parents are very happy,” Gabriel Bravo, the coordinator of Colegio Montecastelo.

The coordinator explained that they simply want to let the boys learn something that would come handy as grown-ups, when they live by themselves or even when they have families of their own. The move also helps stop gender inequality at home.

Photo credit: Colegio Montecastelo / Facebook

It seemed very useful for our students to learn to perform these tasks so that, when they form a family, they are involved from the beginning and know that a house is a matter of two, it’s not a matter of the woman cleaning, doing the dishes, and ironing. This will allow them to become aware and learn to handle themselves at home,” Bravo explained.

Photo credit: Colegio Montecastelo / Facebook

The school has also invited dads to join the boys during lessons – and many actually participated! Several dads also volunteered to help their boys learn the lessons in school. What a great idea this is…

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