An ALS passer recently surprised everyone after she topped the September 2019 Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). She also graduated Cum Laude from college.
As an ALS passer, many did not expect much from Kezia Keren Ambag because she skipped many levels in formal education. But the missed years did not dampen this young woman’s spirits, but actually pushed her to try harder to reach for her dreams.

After passing ALS, Kezia was able to enroll in college, choosing to study Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) at the Philippine Normal University – Mindanao located in Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur. Though she skipped those years of formal education, Kezia managed to easily catch up with the other students.
She surprised everyone as she completed her college degree as Cum Laude! Many people have this notion that ALS passers won’t be able to catch up with their peers and won’t easily succeed in life because of the missed years in school, yet Kezia proved that such notion is not true.

After graduating from college, Kezia and her friends prepared for the board exams by enrolling at a review center. They took the LET in September 2019.
Kezia would later share on her Facebook account that she had a hard time sleeping since Thursday as they waited for the results of the September 2019 LET. It was only on Sunday that she was able to breathe a sigh of relief and sleep well, knowing that she was able to pass the test.
But Kezia did not just pass, she excelled so much in this milestone that she actually topped the exams, garnering a score of 92.60%! She shares the top spot with two other exam takers.

It was Mercedes Arzadon, Assistant Professor at UP College of Education, who announced the special news that Kezia’s triumph was made all the more impressive because she’s an ALS passer. Congratulations, Ma’am!